Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Aceh Youth Forum, Ngon Jak Ta Beudoh… !!!
Aceh Youth Forum atau Forum Anak Muda Aceh yang berlangsung mulai tanggal 11 sampe 13 oktober 2009 kemarin di The Pade Hotel, Banda Aceh berjalan dengan lancar dan menghasilkan rekomendasi yang fokus dalam upaya menjaga perdamaian dan pembangunan di Aceh.
Pelatihan yang dibuka pada malam senin tersebut diawali dengan perkenalan para peserta dan juga panitia. Para peserta yang terdiri dari Presenter dan Reporter dari Radio-Radio seluruh Aceh (terdiri dari Radio Flamboyan FM Banda Aceh, Istiqamah FM Lhokseumawe, AS FM Sigli, Adyemadja FM Lhokseumawe, Andyta FM Bireun, Dalka FM Meulaboh, Fatali FM Abdya, Cindy FM Langsa, Gipsy FM Langsa, Birama FM Aceh Tamiang) dan juga perwakilan dari komunitas-komunitas anak muda dari seluruh Aceh (seperti komunitas Break Dance, Seni Budaya, dsb). Panitia yang terdiri dari para penyiar dan juga dari latar belakang Jurnalis ikut berbaur dengan peserta dalam kelompok-kelompok. Sehingga suasana lebih terasa berwarna.
Banyak hal positif yang aku dapatkan selama pelatihan Aceh Youth Forum tersebut. Mulai dari pesertanya yang asyik banget (ada yang gokil, kalem, dan antusias banget dalam forum, pastinya cool abiz..), panitianya juga kreative banget. Selain menambah teman, pengetahuan dan juga pengalaman. Acara Aceh Youth Forum mampu mengobati rasa penat yang sempat menderaku selama di Lhokseumawe. Aktivitas kuliah yang padat dengan setumpuk tugas dan kegiatan organisasi yang kadang-kadang membuatku stress. Uh.. inilah kehidupannya. But, I enjoy it..
Yup, guys. Kembali ke topik !
Aceh Youth Forum menawarkan kepada kita para anak muda untuk ikut berpartisipasi aktif dalam rangka menselaraskan pembangunan di Aceh dan juga pastinya menjaga perdamaian yang telah terwujud selama 4 tahun lebih. Hari pertama diskusi dibuka dengan Open Space. Dimana para peserta diberikan kebebasan untuk menentukan sendiri tema apa yang ingin dibicarakan dalam diskusi, selanjutnya para peserta juga yang akan menjadi inisiator atau fasilitator dalam diskusi. Antusiasme peserta terlihat pada saat penempelan kertas berisi tema-tema yang ingin dibicarakan di atas jadwa lkosong di dinding ruangan pelatihan. Kemudian seluruh peserta bebas memilih ikut dalam group diskusi mana.
Nah, tibalah jadwal diskusi yang pertama. Jumlah tema yang diusulkan oleh peserta lebih kurang berjumlah 38 tema dengan fasilitator yang berbeda. Ada yang mengusulkan tema tentang Budaya dan Pariwisata, Pendidikan, Kecacatan, Kewirausahaan, Syariat Islam, dsb. Lagi-lagi antusiasme peserta terlihat pada saat diskusi berlangsung. Dalam forum diskusi tersebut, banyak ide yang bermunculan. Para peserta sangat antusias memberikan pendapatnya mengenai masalah yang dibicarakan. Tak lupa pada akhir diskusi mereka memberikan solusi terbaik bagaimana yang seharusnya dilakukan.
Nah lagi neh, pada hari kedua pelatihan Aceh Youth Forum, dihasilkanlah Action Plan (Rencana Aksi) terhadap tema/ permasalahan-permasalahan yang dibicarakan pada hari pertama. Disitu para peserta makin antusias memberikan pendapat dan solusi untuk masalah yang ada. Panitia pun bagai kupu-kupu, sekali hinggap di group A, sekali di Group B dan seterusnya. Sepertinya sih ingin melihat sejauh mana pemahaman anak muda Aceh terhapat masalah yang terjadi. Yang pastinya semua menyukai forum ini (Aceh Youth Forum).
Tapi ternyata lagi-lagi waktu yang menguasai. Tibalah hari terakhir, yaitu penutupan. Para peserta dan juga panitia terlihat sedikit hening karena tau akan berpisah. Namun keceriaan tetap terpancar dari semua yang hadir. Buktinya, pada akhir acara, semua pada narsis pengen foto.. hahaha..
Tapi, Guys… terlepas dari keceriaan itu. Aku, seluruh perserta dan juga panitia berharap akan ada aksi nyata mengenai hal-hal yang dibicarakan dalam Aceh Youth Forum tersebut. Kita semua berharap semoga seluruh anak muda Aceh sadar dan peduli terhadap masalah-masalah yang terjadi di Aceh dan mau menjaga perdamaian yang telah dicapai. Serta ikut membantu pemerintah dalam upaya membangun Aceh yang lebih baik dan mampu bersaing dengan propinsi-propinsi lain di Indonesia bahkan mampu bersanding dengan dunia Internasional. Amiin…
Oya, aku mau ngucapin Thanks a lot buat : Tita (yg udah ngajak aku ikut dlm AYRP), bg Ocxie n Momon (atas bantuannya bwt aku n all presenter), bg Dede/Oom (our Guide in Sabang), bg Andre (yang slalu ceria), Brian/ bang Ucup (Boss Besar dr Search For Common Ground), Mas Uung (motivator banget bwt aku), Mas Bowo ( mas, kasih solusi biar gemuk dong ! hehe ), kak Evi, Dylan n Jess (from USA), Alex (from Australia), Janvi (from India), bg Bahar (Istiqamah FM), mba Uni n Luis (from Timor Leste).
Yang pastinya bwt sluruh teman2 Presenter (mizi, k’ ayu, k’ zora, bg dedy, k’ kiki, k’ azi, zizi, egi, bg sat, bg aji, k’ novi, b’ ubay)
N juga bwt para reporter ( tita, ismail, bg adi, bg ody, ade, k’ uma, fayzar, fadli, bg rehan, vina, bg windy, k’ ani, n all reporter).
thanks buat Search For Common Ground, Aceh Youth Radio Program, Aceh Youth Forum n Radio Istiqamah 102,7 FM.
Thanks juga buat seluruh peserta Aceh Youth Forum. Kita adalah orang-orang yang Tepat lho. Hehe..
Akhir kata.. aldi,… pamit. N thanks for u guys. Wassalam..
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
Josh Groban Lirycs
"You're Still You"
Through the darkness
I can see your light
And you will always shine
And I can feel your heart in mine
Your face I've memorized
I idolize just you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
I've loved you for so long
And after all is said and done
You're still you
After all
You're still you
You walk past me
I can feel your pain
Time changes everything
One truth always stays the same
You're still you
After all
You're still you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I believe in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remember you
And what life put you through
And in this cruel and lonely world
I found one love
You're still you
After all
You're still you
A beautiful and blinding morning
The world outside begins to breathe
See clouds arriving without warning
I need you here to shelter me
And I know that only time will tell us how
To carry on without each other
So keep me awake to memorize you
Give me more time to feel this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today
If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same
And I know that only time will tell me how
We'll carry on without each other
So keep me awake for every moment
Give us more time to be this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today
We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me
All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see
We can't stay like this forever
But I have you here today
And I will remember
Oh I will remember
Remember all the love we shared today
"When You Say You Love Me"
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breathe.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment,I know why I'm alive
When you say you love me.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?
"Per Te"
Sento nell'aria profumo di te
Piccoli sogni vissuti con me
Ora lo so
Non voglio perderti
Quella dolcezza così senza età
La tua bellezza rivali non ha
Il cuore mio vuole soltanto te
Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te
Dimmi che tu già il futuro lo sai
Dimmi che questo non finirà mai
Senza di te non voglio esistere
Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te, avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te
Non devo dirtelo. Ormai già lo sai
Che morirei senza di te
Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te, farò
Tutto quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te
Through the darkness
I can see your light
And you will always shine
And I can feel your heart in mine
Your face I've memorized
I idolize just you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
I've loved you for so long
And after all is said and done
You're still you
After all
You're still you
You walk past me
I can feel your pain
Time changes everything
One truth always stays the same
You're still you
After all
You're still you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I believe in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remember you
And what life put you through
And in this cruel and lonely world
I found one love
You're still you
After all
You're still you
A beautiful and blinding morning
The world outside begins to breathe
See clouds arriving without warning
I need you here to shelter me
And I know that only time will tell us how
To carry on without each other
So keep me awake to memorize you
Give me more time to feel this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today
If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same
And I know that only time will tell me how
We'll carry on without each other
So keep me awake for every moment
Give us more time to be this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today
We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me
All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see
We can't stay like this forever
But I have you here today
And I will remember
Oh I will remember
Remember all the love we shared today
"When You Say You Love Me"
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breathe.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment,I know why I'm alive
When you say you love me.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?
"Per Te"
Sento nell'aria profumo di te
Piccoli sogni vissuti con me
Ora lo so
Non voglio perderti
Quella dolcezza così senza età
La tua bellezza rivali non ha
Il cuore mio vuole soltanto te
Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te
Dimmi che tu già il futuro lo sai
Dimmi che questo non finirà mai
Senza di te non voglio esistere
Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te, avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te
Non devo dirtelo. Ormai già lo sai
Che morirei senza di te
Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te, farò
Tutto quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te
Postingan (Atom)